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Micro-needling Solihull

Stimulates the skin's natural collagen production and improves skin tone, clarity, firmness, and elasticity over time.


Micro-needling, also referred to as Collagen Induction Treatment (C.I.T.), involves using a derma pen to create tiny punctures in the skin, aiding in skin rejuvenation and the treatment of scarring and other skin concerns.

This natural method effectively enhances collagen and elastin levels. It is a minimally invasive procedure suitable for all skin types, resulting in rejuvenated and smoother skin.

Benefits of micro-needling

Micro-needling treatment can be great for someone who is looking to improve:

  • Collagen Reproduction
  • Skin tone and clarity
  • Skin Firming
  • Skin Laxity
  • Wrinkle Reducing
  • Photo Aging and Scar Damage
  • Scarring
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Pore size
  • Hyperpigmentation and Hypopigmentation

Recovery after micro-needling

The recovery after CIT treatment depends on the length and density of the needles used. In most cases, the skin will have a pink or red appearance for 24-48 hours or so.

Also, on some rare occasions, mild bruising is possible. Additionally, the skin can also feel warmer and tighter. Although a single treatment can potentially provide a noticeable result, is recommended in 3-4 treatments spaced about 6-8 weeks apart to achieve optimal results.

For patients with deep wrinkles, advanced photo-aging, stretch marks or acne scarring, we usually recommend receiving 6-8 sessions at 6-week intervals.

Hence, it depends on the skin conditions and desired outcome of the patient.

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Frequently asked questions